Want to enjoy the festival for free? Sign up for a free ticket here!
We'll need help setting up the week of on days leading up to the festival and breaking down on days after the festival.
As a shadow working the festival, you'll be assigned to one of four departments:
- Production (Stage Setup & Breakdown/Decorations)
- Ticketing (Checking People In)
- Security (Extra Set of Eyes)
- General Ops (Clean up & Maintenance)
Shadows are required to work two 4-hour shifts (total of 8 volunteer hours) and attend one orientation/training session. If you are helping set up or breakdown, you'll get to enjoy the entire festival for free.
Orientation will be held on the property at 75368 Moonshadow Lane Abita Springs, LA 70130
at 12pm on May 15th or May 20th.
*If you can't make one of those dates - please let us know as soon as possible!*
For more information go to : https://www.moonshadowfest.com/volunteer